Hinaus Wachsen

How might we transform a local food system?

Year: 2022

Award-winning concept paper on the possible food turnaround in Augsburg, Germany together with local stakeholders including business, individuals and politics.

Hinaus Wachsen - Award winning Concept Paper
Printed Concept Paper Mockup

What we did

  • Development of a holistic transformation approach based on research and interviews with stakeholders
  • Creation of short-, medium- and long-term scenarios in a fully conceptualized paper for the food turnaround.
  • Experience and branding with a mix of bold and classic branding elements to visualize the blending of past and future
  • Outcome: Paper, branding, print products, posters, concepts, workshops, ...

Transforming the future of local food production — how & why

focus on the process
The concept paper "Hinaus Wachsen - die Ernährungswende in Augsburg" deals with the transformation of food production - especially for the regional area in Augsburg. It addresses the question of how a sustainable food turnaround can be achieved that takes into account the advancing climate change and at the same time meets the needs of the population for healthy and affordable food. The concept initially addresses the global and local problem areas of food production. Among other things, the impact of industrial agriculture on the environment and human health is addressed. The dependence on imported food and the associated transport emissions, water pollution, fragile supply chains as well as meat consumption and externalization processes are also critically examined within the first part. For transformative design processes, an understanding of the problem is necessary in addition to a basic understanding of the issue.

Therefore, the regional reference to Augsburg is established afterwards, initiatives and people are questioned and their problem areas are put into the global and regional context. In the following sections, various approaches and projects are presented that have already been successfully implemented in other cities. They serve as a model and starting point to show possibilities for the future, to initiate implementation processes and to create space for an active exchange between the actors in Augsburg.

The second part covers the implemented solution approaches. For this purpose, visions for the future and options for action were divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term categories and presented. "Hinaus Wachsen" includes concepts for workshops and exhibitions, the founding of a nutrition council, participatory participation opportunities within a nutrition campus, legislative change proposals, and technological perspectives. The central point of "Hinaus Wachsen" is the message and task of connecting the different actors. From the education of society to the behavioral change of citizens, this change can only work if we start this project together, going step by step in the same direction and spreading positive messages. But in order to rise above ourselves, we need to start now.
DDC Award Certificate - 2023

DDC - Award 2023 - Category Space

Printed Concept Paper Mockup

Inner Pages of the paper

Poster Series

poster series

Poster photography about the agricultural area in augsburg

Visualization of the agricultural area in augsburg

What we achieved
& want to focus on

focus on the process
In order to present and communicate the complex topic, a paper was written for stakeholders and interested parties. Through a problem analysis, the status quo is first considered globally and in particular in Augsburg. Through known approaches of transformation and the presentation of the following project concepts, concrete recommendations for action are formulated and presented. One project is the container exhibition in Maxstraße, Augsburg. Publicly effective projects should inspire the population for the topic and involve them. As part of the "Car-free Maxstraße 2023" project, a shipping container is used as an exhibition format. Vertical cultivation methods inside and information material on the outside walls create a place of education and encounter.

The workshop format described above is the first step towards a structured nutrition network. A so-called nutrition council unites actors from different areas in Augsburg. In addition to the implementation of projects, the nutrition council serves as a link between the population, actors and politics. A fundamental approach is the networking of the actors in Augsburg. In order to be able to realize projects in a professional manner, the experts must act in cooperation. A first step in this networking is a participatory workshop. The visualized methods bring the experts together and promote team spirit through interactive tasks.

The use of forward-looking technologies (vertical farming), education and awareness projects, the development of local distribution systems (regional supermarkets) and changes in legislation are among the numerous fields of action of a food council. The container exhibition could be expanded in the medium term to various locations in Augsburg. Through participatory elements, the participants in Maxstraße were able to contribute and visualize ideas for this.The Nutrition Campus is actively accompanied by the Nutrition Council and through constant feedback from citizens, ideas can be transported from the bottom to the top.

Future Visions

The goal of our work is to enable sustainable, regional and decentralized agriculture, to bring stakeholders together and to think together about a positive future. This requires a change of attitude. Renunciation and conscious consumption should not be buzzwords or even negative. Regional agriculture must become attractive again and a green, environmentally friendly city the epitome of a reality worth living in. If we think about the future, we want to set the horizon on the possible and not fail because of feasibility and "what could be". This requires positive and encouraging communication, clear information within education and the population, and a shared vision.
Corporate Design Experiments

Excerpt from the branding process within Figma.

Concept Paper - Closeup of the container exhibition

Workshop execution with stakeholders

inclusive and participatory process

Workshop execution with stakeholders

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