In order to present and communicate the complex topic, a paper was written for stakeholders and interested parties. Through a problem analysis, the status quo is first considered globally and in particular in Augsburg. Through known approaches of transformation and the presentation of the following project concepts, concrete recommendations for action are formulated and presented. One project is the container exhibition in Maxstraße, Augsburg. Publicly effective projects should inspire the population for the topic and involve them. As part of the "Car-free Maxstraße 2023" project, a shipping container is used as an exhibition format. Vertical cultivation methods inside and information material on the outside walls create a place of education and encounter.
The workshop format described above is the first step towards a structured nutrition network. A so-called nutrition council unites actors from different areas in Augsburg. In addition to the implementation of projects, the nutrition council serves as a link between the population, actors and politics. A fundamental approach is the networking of the actors in Augsburg. In order to be able to realize projects in a professional manner, the experts must act in cooperation. A first step in this networking is a participatory workshop. The visualized methods bring the experts together and promote team spirit through interactive tasks.
The use of forward-looking technologies (vertical farming), education and awareness projects, the development of local distribution systems (regional supermarkets) and changes in legislation are among the numerous fields of action of a food council. The container exhibition could be expanded in the medium term to various locations in Augsburg. Through participatory elements, the participants in Maxstraße were able to contribute and visualize ideas for this.The Nutrition Campus is actively accompanied by the Nutrition Council and through constant feedback from citizens, ideas can be transported from the bottom to the top.
Future Visions
The goal of our work is to enable sustainable, regional and decentralized agriculture, to bring stakeholders together and to think together about a positive future. This requires a change of attitude. Renunciation and conscious consumption should not be buzzwords or even negative. Regional agriculture must become attractive again and a green, environmentally friendly city the epitome of a reality worth living in. If we think about the future, we want to set the horizon on the possible and not fail because of feasibility and "what could be". This requires positive and encouraging communication, clear information within education and the population, and a shared vision.